Is everbody ready?
That's fabulous, because it's actually CATCH-UP TIME!
OK, everybody together now, 1 - 2 - 3: GROAN!
Yeah, I know, I know! But that's about how I feel after the last couple of days! But more of that later!
By now you've found the photo album and realized it's just an accumulation of all the photos that have appeared in the various blogs (more or less). This way, if you want to look at a particular photo, you don't have to go searching through the different blogs - just check out the album! I just thought it might make it easier to admire the center of attraction (and all this time you thought it was my extraordinary style of prose and whit)!
I'm not totally up on how the album site works yet, so it's just a case of experimentation when it comes to doing things with it! But I'm working on it! Hope you enjoy it!
Anyway, back to merry ol' England (or close anyway)! Danny is in Malta right now, helping the LifeFORCE team get adjusted to a different pace of ministries! He went down last week and should be home tomorrow!
My brother and sister in grandparenting are still (reportedly) having a terrific time! Although Grandpa Dave is still waiting for some warm, dry weather (I can relate to that - anyone else?)! Alycia says that they have discovered the IKEA store, it's within walking distance, and they offer a cheap breakfast with free coffee refills (although the coffee cups are about the size of a child's play-set-sized-tea-cup)!
The Health Services person came the other day and Taylor weighs 9 lbs 2 ozs and is eating (?) constantly! But I'm pretty sure she takes a break now and then!
That's pretty much it from the UK, so I'll tack on the latest pictures (already in the album):
A. Sweet!
That's fabulous, because it's actually CATCH-UP TIME!
OK, everybody together now, 1 - 2 - 3: GROAN!
Yeah, I know, I know! But that's about how I feel after the last couple of days! But more of that later!
By now you've found the photo album and realized it's just an accumulation of all the photos that have appeared in the various blogs (more or less). This way, if you want to look at a particular photo, you don't have to go searching through the different blogs - just check out the album! I just thought it might make it easier to admire the center of attraction (and all this time you thought it was my extraordinary style of prose and whit)!
I'm not totally up on how the album site works yet, so it's just a case of experimentation when it comes to doing things with it! But I'm working on it! Hope you enjoy it!
Anyway, back to merry ol' England (or close anyway)! Danny is in Malta right now, helping the LifeFORCE team get adjusted to a different pace of ministries! He went down last week and should be home tomorrow!
My brother and sister in grandparenting are still (reportedly) having a terrific time! Although Grandpa Dave is still waiting for some warm, dry weather (I can relate to that - anyone else?)! Alycia says that they have discovered the IKEA store, it's within walking distance, and they offer a cheap breakfast with free coffee refills (although the coffee cups are about the size of a child's play-set-sized-tea-cup)!
The Health Services person came the other day and Taylor weighs 9 lbs 2 ozs and is eating (?) constantly! But I'm pretty sure she takes a break now and then!
That's pretty much it from the UK, so I'll tack on the latest pictures (already in the album):
A. Sweet!
B. Sweeter!
C. Sweetest!
A. The Name Says It All!
B. Life Is SO Hard!
C. Aw, My Usual Postion!
This next photo needs a bit of an explanation: it seems Danny has the camera with him in Malta and so when Taylor started to smile, Alycia couldn't use anything else but the camera on Danny's mobile phone! Afterward, when she had more time, Alycia took this picture of the mobile phone! Ingenious and inventive!
A. A Picture To Phone Home About!
And that's it from the UK!
Alrighty, it's later and now I'm going to keep you amused and amazed at the fun(?) and games(?) I had getting the photo album the way it is!
To start with, the album host is 'Picasa', which is inturn hosted by 'Google'. Now, the blog site, 'Blogger', is also hosted by 'Google'. It seems that you can't use different passwords for the different sites as long as your e-mail address is the same! So I used my blog password to set up the album - and 'Google' (being so kind) automatically uploaded all the photos from the blogs into the album! That seem OK and saved some time - until I noticed there were duplicates, and even triplicates, of some photos! That's where the fun started! You cannot delete a photo from the album without having it deleted from the blog! So when I deleted an extra copy of the photo from the album, that photo disappearted from the blog! When I put the picture back in the blog, you guessed it, it was back in the album as another copy - AARRGGHH!
After a few days of playing around with that issue, I got it so I had an album that I could upload to and delete from without affecting any blogs - but now I can't remember how!
Then, I couldn't get an album for just viewing - it keep showing up with all the 'edit' functions! And I'm not about to let some of you nice folks in on that - sorry, but that's the way the diaper gets changed!
Anyway, after several more attempts (over a few more days) - EUREKA, I HAD IT! But I can't remember how I did that either - DOUBLE RATZZ!
But, there is now a photo album that works (for the moment) and I'll enjoy my success and keep trying!
Now the appearance of this blog will probably not match what I've entered it as, but I'm getting used to that as well!
This experience brought to mind the following Bible verse. It's from the NIV translation of the Holy Bible, from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, verse 34:
"THEREFORE DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW, FOR TOMORROW WILL WORRY ABOUT ITSELF. EACH DAY HAS ENOUGH TROUBLE OF ITS OWN." Undoubtebly, I've taken that quote out of context, but I do not think that's the first time it's happened with the Bible!
Well, I think that's enough for now, so until next time:
And a BIG THANK YOU one and all for putting the counter over the 1,000 mark! It has been a slice!
I felt your pain regarding the trials of the photo album! This is the story of my life: Just when you get your project just the way you want (after hours of work) only to have the very program you've been working side by side with turn Judas on you and mess everything up!
But you definitely won that battle - Congratulations! The photo albums great!
I'm in the middle of a battle converting a Word document (new LifeFORCE Student Manual) to a PDF file without it messing up my graphics and photos. Grrrrrr!
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