Hello everyone on this bright, clear, sunny day!Well, it is somewhere!
In Regina, it’s cloudy and –23 C (normal enough for those who aren’t normal enough)!
This is not going to be a long, drawn out post, rather just the final deep breath before the ‘rush to the finish’!
First, just a quick note about Creatch. Poor guy was so upset about what happened, when he ‘got rid of the fur-ball’, that he’s gone back to his closet and retired from the bloging scene! However, he does send you his best wishes and will keep up on the news by reading about it on his PC!
OK, we’re into the final week, so let’s get caught up:
- teams are doing great;
- Project Gambia is doing great;
- there will be someone in next week to look at the mold.
There, we’re caught up on the everyday stuff! Now for the news! Alycia and Danny are doing just fine (as far as one can be, considering)! Danny’s mother, Ruth, will be leaving Regina on Saturday and arriving in London (and then to Wednesbury) on Monday! Not bad timing, what! Grandpa-to-be, Dave, will be following about a week or so after that. So, they are going to be having a wonderful time and that’s for sure!
For the rest of us, who won’t be there to watch (mixed reactions on that), I guess we (or at least me) will have to come down a notch and watch the NASA mission, STS123 (the shuttle Endeavour ), launch from Cape Canaveral carrying Japanese and Canadian components to the International Space Station! Rather a ho-hum second choice, don’t you think!
Alright, alright, I know – the pressure is driving me "Miss Daisy" as well, so in order to relieve the stress, let’s have a contest! I’ll call it:
IT’S A BABY ….. ?
And you enter you choice! This can be done by simply (honest, it is easy) leaving a comment! I know it’s not hard because of the ‘3’ comments on the last post, I left two (Alycia left to other)! I know there were a couple of other attempts, but don’t worry (be happy!) and try again!
So, after I leave the first comment (writer’s prerogative), it’s back to sitting on the edge of the chair and biting my finger nails until Tuesday!
But before I go, here's that picture of Aycia's brother, Tim, and nephew, Seth.

Until then, Blessings upon you and yours and remember: GOD loves you!p.s.: It seems I got something wrong and forgot to mention something - wonder how that happened? Grandpa-to-be Dave will be going to England around March 27th. He says that will give Gramma Ruth more time with the kids and more time away from him (honest, he said that)!You have all heard, by now, about the magnitude 5.2 Earthquake that rolled through the UK last week - from the NE in York, down through the West Midlands, and into Wales! Well. our intrepid trio SLEEP THROUGH IT! They did wake up when the alarm clock fell off the shelf onto their bed, but they went back to sleep within 10 seconds (you know your tired when ...)!
Now, I've just received an e-mail from Alycia (which is the main reason for this p.s.:) and TODAY IS DANNY'S 29TH BIRTHDAY! WAHOO! CELEBRATE! CELEBRATE! LET'S HAVE A PARTY! - after all Danny has to work, but we can still give a CHEER for him! Way to Go Danny Boy! May you have many, many, many more! Be careful, take it easy, be safe - But Have Fun!
Also, the 'fixit guys' are coming today to repair/fix/redue the baby's bedroom (or at least start)! Sure do hope they "MAKE IT RIGHT!"
OH yeah, Alycia's C-section has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 12th! She says she's FRUSTRATED but not worried (after all, that's what we're for right! - my words)! Besides, it will give Ruth an extra day to settle in and get use to the warm, balmy English weather!
Well, I think that's it for now, again! So, take another, last, deep breath and we'll talk again soon enough! Until then, remember: GLY!