Good Day and The Best to Everyone!
I’ve (that being me – DAD) been waiting for a chance to let my fingers dance, the light fantastic, over the keyboard and have some fun!
It seems The Creature hasn’t been feeling very well the last few days! But first off, maybe now is a good time to briefly describe The Creature!
OK, I know your all anxious to hear about Alycia and Danny and you will, later! Right now IT'S MY TURN, after all this is MY Blog and MY Perspective!
Now, if you can remember Scully, from the Disney movie "Monster, Inc" – not the TV series/movie "The X Files" - then we’re off to a great start (if you can’t, ask someone)! OK, add a couple of feet to his height, a few hundred pounds to his weight – mostly fur - and you’re close enough for what I’m after!
Anyway, Creatch (as I call him) has been experimenting with the blog for the last few days, trying to add pictures, different fonts and colours, layouts, and settings. But the Blog hasn’t been very co-operative and Creatch got all stressed out! What happens to a stressed out Creature from the Blog you ask? Well, I’ll tell you – they begin to shed and shed and shed and shed and shed some more! But no matter how much they shed, their fur grows back just as fast, so it really is a never-ending cycle! Now Cretch’s fur isn’t the same colour as the original Scully’s! Where Scully’s is blue with purple spots, Creatch’s fur is the most awesome, soft, wavy, light aubourn that you can imagine!
It got to the point that there was so much fur in my house, I could walk from one end to the other without touching the floor! It was quite a mess, let me tell you! So, the next morning, around 3:00 AM, during a very windy night, I opened all the doors and windows of my house and let nature take its' course! In no time atol, the house was clear of all loose fur! But later, after the sun had come up, everything for six blocks around was a light aubourn colour! When I was interviewed about this extraordinary event, all I could answer with was the truth – "I KNOW NOTHING"!
So Creatch got sent to his closet until he unstressed. Now, let me tell you about Creatch’s closet. It is more the size of my house and all one room, so don’t worry about him being cramped for space! However, he was still shedding and before you knew it the floor of his closet was covered by about 4 feet of fur! Creatch had it all nicely piled up in his sleeping area, because his fur is the softest, most comfortable ‘mattress’ you can imagine! I was sort of hoping to try it out myself until that fateful morning! Creatch had a violent attack of sneezing! He must have sneezed at least 40 times in a row, one after another!
Well, the inside of that closet was like being inside a blinding fur-blizzard (huummm, blizzard! I wonder if DQ … no, they’d never go for it)! The flying fur was so thick, poor Creatch couldn’t find the door to get out – he was trapped until the storm subsided!
By the time the fur settled, our Creatch had swallowed so much fur that he has the largest fur-ball, you can imagine, stuck in his throat, stomach, and lungs – to name a few places! Now he’s making the most pathetic, viscous, revolting, nauseous sounds I’ve ever heard! I definitely do not want to be anywhere around when that fur-ball comes out!
So, now you know why it’s my turn at the keyboard. Aren’t you happy you decided to read this part rather than jumping ahead to the Alycia and Danny part?
OK, staying with the 'Parent's Perspective" theme a little while longer, I'm going to expand the blog away from just Alycia and Danny for a bit!
You older parents will know what I'm talking about (you younger parents and just young people - pay attention - you're turn is coming!), when I talk about that humble feeling you get when you begin to realize what a blessing children are! How your heart and soul fills with love, joy and pride when you think of your children! How your heart and soul fills with fear when you think about what a messed up world we have made and that you probably won't be able to help them when they need it!
I know the love, joy and pride I feel about my kids - Alycia, Danny, their child to be, my son Tim and his son Seth! I also know the moments of terror when my fertile and somewhat lop-sided brain starts to come up with unimaginable horrors - I have a very fertile and active mind, the fertile part comes from what the mind is full of at that particular time!
I wanted to include a picture of Tim and Seth, but I couldn't get the blog to do it my way! So, I quite trying! After what happened to Creatch, I don't want to take the chance of getting stressed as well! I may not have fur, but I do have enough hair to give me more inconveniences than I have already! Besides, my hair isn't as soft as Cretch's fur!
Alright, time to lighten up and enlighten you about Alycia and Danny! I haven't taked to her, but I did get a couple of e-mails.
She likes my latest blog, but with the patience, understanding, and love of a daughter for her father, she told me that I "GOT IT WRONG"!
So, I'm bowing to the inevitable and making the suggested corrections! In the last blog Creatch wrote (when in doubt, blame someone else, but say you sorry anyway) that she went to her Doctor because she was feeling 'pressure behind her eyes'. Well, and I quote: "I'VE NEVER FELT PRESSURE BEHIND MY EYES, I'VE BEEN HAVING BLURRED AND DOUBLE VISION"!
Finally, about that loving Pakistani family that unofficially adopted Alycia as their stepdaughter! Well, would you beleive "daughter-in-law"! And I thought I was doing so well!
As far as 'blowing my cover', Alycia sweetly explained why she made that move. I'm not going into the details on this (you've probably had enough of those for awhile now, and there is more coming)! Needless to say, I see her point clearly now and understand and can sympathize with her predicament!
NOW, it's time to tell about what's been going on these last few days with our darling couple(+)!
There is still a busy time with the LifeFORCE team and it looks like it may last the rest of the week. But it's off to supper tonight (Feb. 22nd) so this should be another good supper for everyone to fill up on!
Tomorrow (or today, depending on how you read it) is their first ante-natal class (I hope that's like post-natal, but I've been known to get things wrong now and again)! Alycia doesn't know what's going to happen, but she's hoping it ends with tea and cookies!
The worst thing that is happening is that MOULD AND WATER STAIN problem Alycia found! They've talked to the Landlord twice and left 2 message, but still no action! So, she's writing a letter to them, saying she's getting a professional to come in and look at the problem. She will send them the receipt along with a picture and a detailed explanation of what's happening! She's even going to tell them that the cost of the professional will be deducted from that month's rent! It might be hormones kicking up, but there is a big frustration-ball stuck in her throat! So please pray for patience, calmness, and strength for them all, especially at a time like this! You may also want to pray for the landlord to have understanding and compassion (and maybe some protection)!
JUST THINK, only 20 days or 19 sleeps (or something like that - I can't count right at the moment) until the big event! Keep those good thoughts and prays coming and someone will be talking to you soon enough!
Creature Comfort for today:
A stab at some humour:
What got the elephants banned from the beach?
For the answer, open the "Comment" section! Feel free to leave a comment while your there!
Until next time, just remember: "GOD LOVES YOU AND SO DO WE"!
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And the answer to the question is:
They couldn't keep their trunks up!
Interesting! 2 Groan awards for the attempted humour.
Love it! I'd love to see an artist's rendition of "Creatch" - is it by chance related to Jerome or (what was that other one's name) Timor?
Speaking of groaners, Danny's definition of ante-natal class: The class that tells me what to do with a baby. The class he's supposed to go to, according to him, is the uncle-natal class. They say girls marry men who remind them of their fathers...
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