As Alycia mentioned, she is on MATERNITY LEAVE (Oh, really, you say!) and I (the CREATURE from the BLOG) have come out of the closet (No, not that closet, the one from Tea-Time!) to temporarily "hunt and peck" at a keyboard in order to keep you upto date on the ups, downs, sideways, backwards and inside outs (beware of motion sickness!) of what has been going on in the every day, routine, hum-drum (Ah Ha! Now for the truth!), 9 to 5 life of youth missionaries enjoying life whilst in the West Midlands of the United Kingdon!
But first, I must take a short break! That opening sentence is so long that I'm worn out and need to get my energy back! But don't worry, I'll be back (where have I heard that?) soon enough - so don't go too far away away away!
Alright, I've unplugged the pink rabbit (the one with the drum!), so we're off and flailing!
So, where too start our flail? How about a little trip back in time? I'll just set the target date ... and away we go!
ZAP, CRACKLE, POP ~ it's about 7:00 AM, Thursday, January 5th, 1978 and ...... WHOA! Me thinks that's a little to far back! After all, this is supposed to be the Other Side of The Blog, not the Far Side! OK, just a little fine tuning on the time machine and ABRACADABRA (al'la peanut butter sandwich) ~ZAP ~ it's now Thursday, Novermber 8th, 2007!
And - VOILA - our 'two-and-a-bitsome' have arrived in Calgary and will be heading for Regina tomorrow (that would have been Friday, Novermber 9th, 2007). They've been brought home to participate in the yearly, weekend Youth Conference being held at the Regina Apostolic Church (one of their muchly appreciated sponsors, as are all sponsors!). Danny was the Guest Speaker for the event and what an amazing time it was! Many young people came to Christ and many more reaffirmed their faith! Everyone went home touched by God in one way or another! ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT!
After the conference Alycia, Danny and the one-on-the-way had a week or so to slow down (at least that's what they called it) and relax. Then on Sunday, November 18th, 2007, during the second morning service, at the Regina Apostolic Church, there took place an event destined for the annals of history - Danny was ordained a REVEREND by the Apostolic Church of the Pentecost! PRAISE THE LORD!
Shortly after that Sunday service the Reverend Danny and his family left for Calgary and their subsequent return to the UK the next day, Monday, November 19th!
Now I seem to recall hearing (this is what is referred to as going off on a 'tangent') about another event happening that day - didn't the 'RIDERS' beat the 'LIONS' in Vancouver, to win the CFL Western Conference title (and then went on the win the 2007 Grey Cup in Toronto a short time later)! But that isn't all that relevant now, is it?
So, now we're back in merry ol' England (I'm along in spirit now - which was better than being carry-on!) and things are slowly returning to normal - somewhat close to panic-driven chaos! The 2 LifeFORCE teams are almost ready to go home for Christmas; the classes at the school, for the 1st Project Gambia trip in February, are ending for Christmas; we're moving out of our heatless, 2 bedroom, 2nd floor flat in Walsall to a warm 3 bedroom 1 -1/2 bathroom house (half a duplex) in Wednesbury; and then, just the 2.5 of them are going to spend Christmas in London - ALL BY THEMSELVES (even though I'm there just in spirit, THEY WOULD'T LET ME GO)!
Unfortunately, it's not the one we're really excited about! This new one is not only wearing a big diaper, but also a sash that says "2008" (and another New Years resolution bites the dust - the one about not messing with the minds of others)!
The Christmas and New Year's festivities are over! Most of us are almost over that bloated feeling from over endulgence at the various breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack tables! Danny, and Alycia, and the-one-we're excited about, are enjoying the "new" house, the teams are moaning and groaning their way back to the schedule, Alycia has celebrated her Birthday (no, I won't mention an age - even though she called herself the "old lady"!), Project Gambia is still on course, and Danny has a heart problem!
Yes, our Danny has something wrong with the pump! Even I, the Creature crumbled a bit at that one! He'd had some moments, during the past several months, when he'd felt tired and listless. So they finally got him to a MD, who ran some tests and dropped the bomb! There is an appointment to see a heart specialist in March, so we're waiting to find out more! One of the possibilities that has been mentioned (in an extreme case) may be the need for a 'Pacemaker'! Until then they've told Danny just to slow down and take it a bit easier!
Now, how do we get Danny to slow down and take it a bit easier? That would be like getting the Titantic to .... no, bad analogy! ... would be like getting Napoleon not to go to Water ... no, that's another bad analogy! After all, getting Danny to slow down and take it easy would be like getting Danny to slow down and take it easy!
Actually, the one thing that does slow him down (at least for awhile) is when he and Alycia watch the baby moving around! WOW, look at that - the head is up - the head is down - the head is on the side - there's a foot - there goes another Hersey's Chocolate WHOPPER! This is definitely the child of travelling 'missionaires'!
Well, I think that about fills in a gap or two from last October. Everything is really going great! All 3 of our subjects are doing quite stupendously whilst working in and on their mission projects! Just remember to keep them in your thoughts and prayers!
OK, I'm going to end this Blog now. After all, there will be plenty more coming up in no time atol, atol!
But first, something 'Totally Different' (but not 'Python' different)!
Being the Creature and knowing about some of the other types of creatures, I have come across the fact that all Creatures - 'large and small' - have things called 'Creature Comforts'! So, I'm going to end my blogs by sharing with you a warm and fuzzy Creature Comfort! This may not happen with every blog, but I'll try to make them relevant and enlightning!
There is an ad going around that a certain coffee shop has introduced a new breakfast sandwich - a Bagel with Egg, Lettuce, and Tomato! They are calling it - are you ready - the 'BELT'! Well, as the rumour goes, there is a fast-food outlet that is going to build on that idea! There's is going to be a Bagel with Egg, Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese, and Ham! It's going to be - are you ready - the 'McBELTCH' (that New Year's Resolution is really busted up now!)!
So Long for now, and don't say you hadn't been warned!
Remember, GOD Loves You All!
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