Alycia phoned and now I get to pass on the news and tell everybody what has been happening during the last week (or what I can remember and get right)!
The major topic was about our amazing Danny! He had his surgery on Tuesday (that's when they implanted the "revealer" - not collector like I mistaking called it last time). It was a local procedure which means he was awake but not feeling anything - local freezing, or so I believe. [Well, our Danny decided to test out the system and had one of his heart stopping sessions whilst on the table (some guys will do almost anything to get attention - just ask me)! The doctors and staff jump started our guy and there seems to be no effect (other than nerves getting frizzled)!] REFER TO THE COMMENT SECTION, AT BOTTOM OF BLOG, FOR CORRECTION!
But when Danny got home and the freezing started to wear off - well the first few days were not the best of times! There has been quite a bit of pain and discomfort! He has not been able to do anything like drive, help around the house, carry things, get groceries, and worst of all, he can't hold Taylor! - much to his and Taylor's displeasure! But he has been getting better with each day - when Alycia phoned yesterday, Danny and Joey had the game box going and were catching up on some of their old moves!
At least Danny will be able to get some rest over the next couple of days because all the LifeFORCE Teams are finished and have gone their separate ways! The debriefing finished on Tuesday and by Thursday they were all gone - someone else drove them to the airport and such!
This has meant that Alycia had to pick up her pace around the home and discover some new joys of parenting - such as making meals with a baby in her "arms", getting out for groceries with a baby in her "arms", cleaning the house with a baby in her "arms", doing laundry with a baby in her "arms", taking care of a baby with a baby in her "arms" (now that would be hard)!
But overall, things are going great! The mad rushes are over, their both catching up on the paper work, burning DVDs, preparing presentations, and looking to the future!
The brightest light in the near future is that they will be back in Canada on July 22nd! They managed to move their travel date up a few days and Taylor's passport came in the mail, so it's homward bound in a few short weeks! Danny will be staying in Calgary for a bit to do some LifeFORCE work, but Alycia and Taylor are coming straight down to Regina so they can get a head start on all the hugs, kisses, ooohhhs and aaawwws, tears, laughter, and swapping of stories with family, old friends and neighbours!
Now I know there haven't been any pictures for awhile and there aren't any new ones now, but that's beside the point. I've gone back over a couple of Alycia's albums and found some older and newer pictures that I thought could be added to this edition, so here we go:

Now you've probably noticed that the pictures have been identified by letters, but there are no captions! While, there is a reason to my madness (so said King George). I am going to put a list of captions below and what I was hoping you would do (if you want and have the time and like skill testing contests and, and, and,) is fill up your coffee mug, get a piece of paper and pencil and match up the pictures with the captions! Now, doesn't that sound like fun? OK, maybe it doesn't, but I'm just trying to get you to waste some more of your time that could be better spent than relaxing!
So, go ahead, enjoy, take your time, work quietly - but no cheating! The answers are in the comment section.
(1) I had THAT in my mouth! (2) "ROIDS" win every time! (3) That was some lunch! (4) Oh Look Dear, matching luggage! (5) What do you mean - were's my ID? (6) Don't you want one just like me? (7)Which is the real WAX comic? (8) Must have been something I ate! (9) Out there somewhere! (10) Aly oops!
Until next time, remember: GOD LOVES YOU!